Skin rejuvenation with Platelet Rich Plasma treatment

In the event that you need clear revived skin or skin with that enhanced with Photoshop look, at that point PRP skin rejuvenation treatment is the treatment for you!

PRP utilizes your body's characteristic potential for reviving and rejuvenating the skin. The outcomes give enhancements in the general tone, surface, and flexibility of the skin in a characteristic manner.

It can treat an assortment of skin conditions and imperfections, including:

  1. maturing skin 
  2. lines and wrinkles 
  3. skin break out and 
  4. skin break out scarring

You can have PRP skin rejuvenation treatment – otherwise called the 'Vampire Facelift' or 'Dracula Therapy here at Blissful Me Mespa with certainty realizing that it's performed by our accomplished, pro-in-house specialist.

What is engaged with the PRP strategy? 

During PRP skin rejuvenation the strategy, we take a little example of your blood and separate the platelets utilizing a rotator. The rotator we use is the progressed Cytomedix Angel framework, planned explicitly for removing PRP from blood tests in a clinically sheltered way.

We then injector on account of blend treatments, apply – the blood containing the high convergence of platelets (the PRP) into the territory of your skin that requirements treating.

The technique takes around 30 to 45 minutes to finish.


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